Scraper conveyor

Scraper conveyor


PK brand redler scraper conveyor

scraper conveyor

Typical redler scraper conveyor
scraper conveyor
Typical section view
scraper conveyor
Different chains used in a redler scraper conveyor
scraper conveyor

Different products typical conveyed in a redler scraper conveyor
  • The chain conveyor usually slides the chain along a wear resistant surface.
  • Where the chain transports the product, the chain runs directly against the base plate of the box.
  • The return part of the chain is held in place by a U-profile that is supported by a cross member that is attached to the sides of the chain conveyor box.
Upon ordering, please supply the following information
  • Transported material
  • Self weight of transported material
  • Capacity in metric tons per hour
  • Distance between in and outlet
  • Chain conveyor length
The most common option for a redler scraper conveyor is to use a T-scraper on a single chain or a crossbar on a double chains.
A redler scraper conveyor can be used to transport materials such as coal, cement, grain, flour, soy and particle board.
We deliver redler scraper conveyors of our own design, but can also offer other chain conveyors from renowned European suppliers.